Sebenarnya tak nak pun jumpa dia ni..sebab takut akan tersuka pula kat dia..padahal, memang tak nak pun kat dia..adala sebab-sebab nya..and i don't think he likes me as well..even though kadang-kadang tu dia selalu cerita ke arah more than just friend, we treat that as a joke..tapi, dia ni ada lain cara sikit..have a little bit similarity in way of thinking as me. in fact, dari mula kawan pun memang kitorang tak pernah ada heart feeling..because dia ni someone yang nice to talk and trustable (so far). memang ni first time jumpa kawan lelaki yang memang boleh dibuat kawan semata-mata..tapi masalahnya, bila i am comfortable with someone, i'm used to hoping he's there all the time..macam special boyfriend lar..but he's not a i can't expect him to be around all the time..then, bila dia takde, i started to feel bukan-bukan..entah..hard to explain...that's why, seboleh mungkin tak nak jumpa dia..tapi fikir-fikir balik, why not kan..
Masa diner dia start tanya kenapa tak nak kahwin lagi?as usual, my answer, belum ada hati nak kawin..therefore, belum ada hati nak serius dengan sesiapa..again, as usual, kena la balik ayat yang satu ni: jual mahal + memilih. salah ke memilih??nak kahwin bukan seminggu dua..and for those who really understand what marriage is and all the responsibilities, mesti faham tahap keseriusan untuk decide to get do i. tapi kenapa orang asyik buat conclusion macam tu on me??i was once not being choosy when i first time have a bf..but, what happen to the end?that makes me even choosier.. Thank God that i still have the guts not to bother this matters. as my mom also said, she dont mind..that's a green light la..haha..but the rest???why so bother?? there are lots of other things to be done and haven't been done lar dear...
Berdoalah semoga dibukakan pintu hatiku...Amin..